Every family is different and has different needs, preferences and concerns; from experience we know that there are families who need the support of household staff with knowledge of a particular cuisine (vegan, international, etc.), or training in special childcare, or mastery of the iron.
That’s why we offer a tailor-made training service, where different professionals (Chef, nurses, Professional Organizer and Personal Home Shopper) come together to train household staff in the areas required, be it one in particular (learning oriental cooking) or several (learning to cook as well as iron, to serve the table…), getting the right staff for your family personally trained to do their job as the family requires.
Each workshop or course can be given either at the family’s home or in our spaces, for one professional or for several, as it is developed according to the preferences of each family.
Training, Commitment and Professionalism is the minimum that the person you include in the most important thing for you, in your family, in your home, must offer.